
We are pleased to report that not one, but two, rounds of plantings for FAME's latest projects were successfully completed in September by our project partner ReForest Now.

Under the watchful eye of a pair of Tawny Frogmouths (one of which is pictured above), carefully observing the goings on of the ReForest Now volunteer planting team, an impressive total of 1,400 trees have been planted so far.

Helping the Pink Underwing Moth to emerge
Planting of important rainforest vine, Carronia (Carronia multisepalea), is vital to support the lifecycle of the endangered Pink Underwing Moth. It is dependent on the rainforest vine as the host plant for its larvae.

Saving the Small-leaved Tamarind from extinction
Likewise, seedlings of the endangered Small-leaved Tamarind that have also been planted at Wilson's Creek have substantially increased the surviving population of this rainforest species.

The overarching objective of both projects will be to restore a hectare of rainforest at Wilson's Creek in south-east Queensland. Twenty-five threatened species have been identified within the area, and restoring trees will provide habitat for these species for the future.

It is thanks to the generous support of our donors that the Foundation has been able to provide funding to both of these projects which are now well underway.

To make a donation or for further information on the Pink Underwing Moth or Small-leaved Tamarind projects, please visit the website.

Photos: courtesy of ReForest Now.

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