Establishing new populations of the Armoured Mistfrog

Wet Tropics in north-eastern Queensland


raised of


Only found in Far North Queensland, the Armoured Mistfrog (Litoria lorica) is a nocturnal, medium-sized species of rainforest tree frog adapted to living around cascades and waterfalls. Males measure around 33mm and females 37mm. Despite their ability to camouflage into their rocky habitat with their earthy, dark, mottled colouring, the species is critically endangered.

Photo Credit: Eric Vanderduys


Critically Endangered


Critically Endangered


Climate Change
Genetic Diversity
Human Impact
Habitat Degradation

Project Location:
Wet Tropics, QLD


The Project

In partnership with the Queensland Government and James Cook University, the project includes a wild-to-wild translocation to establish a new self-sustaining population of Armoured Mistfrogs in a semi-independent catchment within the wet tropics of Queensland. Monitoring will be undertaken over three years post translocation. Establishing this new population will reduce its risk of extinction and help secure the future of the species in the wild.

Why we need to act

Despite once being relatively common, the Armoured Mistfrog suffered from rapid declines, and remains one of Australia's most threatened frog species, with no recorded sightings in the wild between 1991 and 2008. Without intervention and the support of FAME, the Armoured Mistfrog has a low chance of survival. As both a predator and prey, the Mistfrog plays an integral role in the health of the larger ecosystem. FAME simply cannot watch this species face extinction.

Threats to the species

A primary threat to the Armoured Mistfrog is chytridiomycosis, a disease caused by chytrid fungus. The species is also threatened by invasive species and the effects of climate change on their delicate habitats.

Solution and approach

A three-year program will be managed by QPWS (DES) and delivered in partnership with Dr Conrad Hoskin from James Cook University. The program will employ:

  1. Monitoring of the main population.

  2. Identification of a new translocation site with suitable habitat and minimal threats.

  3. Harvesting a nominated number of the main population for translocation.

  4. Monitoring of source and release sites.

The overarching objective is to establish a third population of Armoured MistFrog, in a different catchment, to reduce the risk of extinction and supplement the second population, in order to improve persistence and genetic diversity.

Project partners and additional funding information

FAME is proud to have partnered with Queensland Government, QPWS (DES) and James Cook University for this project.

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