
Survey work on Kangaroo Island to find the elusive Kangaroo Island Dunnart is still in its infancy, however, we are pleased to report an early success – last week the little marsupial was caught on one of the cameras.

The project has been gathering momentum since receiving a seed-funding grant from FAME. Private landholders on Kangaroo Island are supportive of the cause and welcomed Land for Wildlife (LfW) onto their land in the hope of finding the small, nocturnal marsupial.

An astounding amount of animal activity has been so far captured on camera - including playful Brush-tailed Possums, Wallabies, Wrens as well as the threatened Kangaroo Island Echidna and Western Pygmy Possum just to name a few.

The Kangaroo Island Dunnart's current distribution and population on Kangaroo Island is unknown and difficult to estimate, yet this early success may change this entirely.

The Kangaroo Island Dunnart is listed as 'endangered' on the EPBC Act 1999.

Tracy McNamara
Chief Executive Officer

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