
Have you volunteered your time by planting a tree or participated in a beach clean-up organised by a local group? Have you given your time to a cause close to your heart? Or even just donated your old clothes, blankets, or surplus non-perishable foods to a charity in need? Today, the Foundation for Australia's Most Endangered Species says thank you and recognise the 109 million volunteers worldwide that freely give their time to organisations.

The definition of a volunteer is: "a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task." The scope is wide and varied.

This year's theme is: "volunteers build resilient communities." It's a chance to look locally and acknowledge the important role volunteers have within our own communities.

The benefits of volunteering are clear.

  • Volunteering helps to reduce stress,
  • Volunteering helps build friendships,
  • Volunteering can teach new skills,
  • Volunteering helps mental and physical health; quite simply, it feels good.

For more information on International Volunteer Day, visit the Volunteering Australia website.

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