
SPECIES: Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus — Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Kangaroo Island)


When it comes to the Glossy Black-Cockatoo, they're mates for life. Preferring to live in pairs, over the course of a year, they might raise just one chick together if they are lucky. This certainly plays a part in why the species is endangered. But! Glossy and Black they may not be! The colouring and appearance of their feathers varies and can be quite dark brown and matte-looking. Somehow the Brown Matte-Cockatoo doesn't have the same ring about it. Adult males usually have panels of red on his tail feathers and adult females are distinctive by the patches of yellow on her head.

This particular species is now only found in one population on Kangaroo Island, of which about 300 remain. It's thanks to the effort of a recovery and monitoring team on the Island that this species now has the crucial support it needs to help stabilize the remaining population. By no means is this native species out of danger, but things seem to be slowly heading in the right direction for the Glossy Black for now.

Photo: SA Department of Environment and Water

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